Gemstone Treatment Disclosures

It is common for gemstones to be treated in a variety of ways to enhance or change their appearance and durability. Some stones are almost always treated, while others are almost always natural. Most treatments, such as heat treatment and irradiation, are permanent. Others, such as dyes, waxes, and oils, may not be. I don’t object to most treatments,ghd Hair Straightener, as they generally serve to increase the beauty of the stone, but I have a personal dislike of dyed stones and rarely use them. I have had bad experiences with dyes fading over time.

I do my absolute best to identify and honestly disclose treatments applied to the gemstones I use. Unfortunately,ghd Straightener, suppliers are not always forthcoming with that information; they may not be familiar enough with the stone’s history to feel they can give reliable information, or they may consider it irrelevant. In some cases they may deliberately mislead. Not having access to a professional gemologist’s lab, there is not much I can do to give an accurate evaluation of treatments.

If I have a great deal of faith in my supplier’s honesty, and they disclose the treatment or lack thereof,ghd Straighteners, I will list that information on my site. If I don’t have the information or don’t consider it reliable, I will list what is typical for that stone and leave it at that.

For instance, I have an emerald for which the supplier did not have a treatment history. When I sell it in a piece of jewelry, I will state that emeralds are commonly fracture-filled with oil, and that the buyer should probably assume such treatment.Related subject article:

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